APCS Episode 33 - Vehicular Communism

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Vehicular Communism

APCS Episode 33

Episode 33 of Another Prank Call Show, produced by ArbitraryAlex, Ryan Jardina, People's Karma Squad, WastedMemory, and Rinse Prius.

In this episode I see dead people, refuse delivery, and implement mandatory car sharing.

Check out the APCS website.

Leave the show a voicemail at (404) 721-2710

Email the show.

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APCS would not exist without the decades of inspiration from the PLA, and couldn't possibly continue without the support of Olga.

Opening song and background music by seven, after intro song by Henrik, closing song is Anyway by Laura Helde.

© 2020 Porcelain Phone Productions.

Call summary coming soon


APCS Episode 34 - Trees, Toilets, and Tinfoil


APCS Episode 32 - Ding Richard