APCS Episode 999 - Doomscrollers
APCS Episode 999
Episode 999 of Another Prank Call Show.
In this episode Richard defies middle age by engaging once more in comedic irrelevancy. In a world where Amazon offers health insurance, Walmart employees wear body cameras, and trash covers everything from Mount Everest to the Mariana Trench, Richard refuses to surrender to the notion that life is a prank. Instead he soldiers on with prank call premises that are perhaps slightly less absurd than reality has become, but somehow even stupider. Is this new episode worth the wait? Should Richard have let this show recede into the dustbin of history, like his hairline, health, and positive view of the world? Perhaps these questions will linger, unanswered, for all time. Or at least until the grid goes down and APCS finally, blessedly, vanishes forever.
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APCS stickers, keychains, and for some reason CDs are available for purchase: https://anotherprankcallshow.com/trash
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Vista Blue makes cool songs for the show, but you should listen to all their awesome music.
World of Prank Calls is a cool website where you can find a wealth of information on lots of other prank call podcasts, and maybe learn a thing or two about making your own.
Check out Snow in Southtown.
APCS would not exist without the decades of inspiration from the PLA or the tireless support of Olga.
All music by seven.
© 2024 Porcelain Phone Productions