APCS Episode 5 - Ding Dong DNA

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Ding Dong DNA

APCS Episode 5

Episode 5 of Another Prank Call Show. Hosted by King Richard and Queen Olga.

In this episode we paint our apartment with pens, talk to an elderly meth addict, and scrape some DNA off doorknobs.

Thanks to simplex for the urine sample screening idea, dragonmere for the bring your neighbor to work idea, and Seven for the friendliness class idea.

Big thank you to AdolfNippler for yet another phone number directory.

Check out the APCS website.

Leave the show a voicemail at (404) 721-2710

Email the show.

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APCS would not exist without the decades of inspiration from the PLA, and couldn't possibly continue without the support of Olga.

Theme song by cody.no.name, all other music by Henrik.

© 2018 Porcelain Phone Productions

Call summary coming soon


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